Of late I’ve noticed that I need a place to catalog my thoughts and feelings on a variety of topics, particularly about my thoughts on polytheistic monasticism. I’ve never been one for journaling, but as I’ve spent more time with my ADHD diagnosis, I’m realizing that sometimes writing down what I’m thinking is a useful tool. And unlike a notebook, I’m unlikely to misplace a website.
I’ve had several blogs in the past, and after my initial excitement to start one, I often quickly forget about it. That’s likely to happen again, but I’ve set up a process that’s much simpler and less likely to overwhelm me participating in it. Also, I can re-use the text of my posts without having to worry about the posts being buried in a database somewhere.
The last time I had a Wordpress, I ended up deleting everything except for two entries. As I started this one from scratch, I don’t have those posted here, but I’ll likely dig them up and repost here for completeness. That’s especially likely since one of them is about a retreat to Northeast Thing which I plan on attending again this year.
Why polytheistic monasticism?
My first exposure to polytheistic monasticism was finding out about Flametending, almost a decade ago. It’s a form of devotional work of keeping a flame alight for some period of time. I’ve exclusively seen this work done in honor of the Celtic goddess Brighid (in Her many names). Either alone, or as part of a group like Ord Brighideach, the flame is lit with prayer and the flame remains lit until the work is done, wheter it be 24 hours, 21 days, or in perpetuity, each devotee taking their shift with honor.
The idea of regular devotional work is something that really excites me, the deeply devotional work that serves no purpose other than to honor the gods. However, I find it difficult to actually do. Like most things I can keep it up for a short period of time, but eventually it stops being the focus of my thoughts and I lose motivation to continue.
Traditional western monastic practices include a period of discernment where novitiates spend time dedicated to exploring if monastic life is right for them. Part of this blog will be dedicated to the same endeavor. However, pagans don’t have a centuries long history of monastic organized practices, so my focus will be sort of a discernment of discernment. A broader question than just “is a monastic life for me” but must necessarily include:
What does monastic life look like, for me?
I live in a modern, capitalist society, with a family that includes teenagers. I have to juggle work, bills, sports, etc. I will not be giving up any of those to make a monastic practice work, so a monastic practice has to work for me. The good news is, without a long established Divine Office or rules of life to live by, Pagan monastics are free to create their own. Some have formed or joined one of the few pagan or multi-faith orders that exist, but most pagan monastics are left to fend for themselves.